Head of Ciespal in Ecuador Considers Telesur a Vindicating Space

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Prensa_Latina_inglés_Francisco_Sierra_TQuito, Jul 23 (Prensa Latina). The multi-state channel Telesur, which headquarters are in Venezuela, is today the space to vindicate the people of the region, stressed the director of the International Center for Advanced Studies in Communications in Latin America (Ciespal) in Ecuador, Francisco Sierra.

In statements to Prensa Latina before resuming discussions of the International Latin American Congress on Communication and Integration From and For the South, Sierra said that in the last decade Telesur has been the place where the nations of the region are reflected.

For the academic, the idea of the death Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez was to face the capital to principal and North’s geopolitical interests that triggered a campaign to discredit processes such as those developed in Latin America.


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